

来源: 日期:2023-02-28 13:50 【字体:


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1. 教育及工作经历

2022.07-至今:青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 ,讲师






2. 研究领域

1) 强化CO2泡沫体系的制备与应用及CCUS技术



3. 代表性科研项目

1)基于蛛网仿生模型的纳米材料复合清洁压裂液新方法和机理研究/国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2019-012021-12, 项目主要参与人

2)盐离子对软体非均相复合驱油体系微界面吸附效应的影响及作用机制/国家自然科学基金(青年), 2019-012020-12, 项目主要参与人


4. 代表性研究成果

1)Yao Xue, Zhao Guang, Dai Caili, et al. Interfacial characteristics and the stability mechanism of a dispersed particle gel (DPG) three-phase foam[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 301: 112425.

2)Yao Xue, Sun Ning, Zhao Guang, et al. Molecular behavior and interaction between THSB and DPG particles at the gas/liquid interface[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 329: 115487.

3)Yao Xue, Yi Ping, Zhao Guang, et al. A study of the stability mechanism of the dispersed particle gel three-phase foam using the interfacial dilational rheology method[J]. Materials, 2018, 11(5): 699-712.

4)Yao Xue, Sun Xin, Zhao Guang, et al. Stability of the dispersed particle gel three-phase foam in the presence of oil[C]. 2nd International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, 2018: 124-131.

5)姚雪, 孙宁, 吕亚慧, 等. 泡沫调驱体系研究进展[J]. 油田化学, 2020, 37, 143(1): 173-181.

6)Sun Ning, Yao Xue, Liu Jiawei, et al. Breakup and coalescence mechanism of high-stability bubbles reinforced by dispersed particle gel particles in the pore-throat micromodel[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023: 211513.

7)Sun Ning, Yao Xue, Xu Zhongzheng, et al. Janus Nanographene Oxide with Aerophilic/ Hydrophilic Characteristics for Enhancing Foam Stability in High-Temperature Reservoirs[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022: 121087.

8)Lyu Yahui, Gu Chenglin, Tao Jiaping, Yao Xue, et al. Thermal-resistant, shear-stable and salt-tolerant polyacrylamide/surface-modified graphene oxide composite[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54(7): 14752-14762.

9)Chen Fuzhen, Gu Jianwei, Jiang H, Yao Xue, et al. Laboratory evaluation and numerical simulation of the alkali–surfactant–polymer synergistic mechanism in chemical flooding[J]. Rsc Advances, 2018, 8(47): 26476-26487.

10)强化聚合物/二元/三元复合驱油体系的改性石墨颗粒体系及其制备和应用[P]. 国家发明专利: 201710996586.5.

11)Modified graphite particle system for strengthening polymer/binary/ternary composite oil displacement system and preparation and application thereof[P].US10294409B2, 2019.