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2022.7至今 青岛大学澳门六合彩直播
2017.9-2022.6 南京大学 环境化学,理学博士
2013.9-2017.6 厦门大学 环境化学,理学学士
基于非靶向高通量筛查和数值模拟的渤海湾近岸新污染物识别与来源解析, 2024.1-2026.12, 项目负责人
(1) Li Y., Yu N., Du L., Shi W., Yu H., Song M., Wei S.* Transplacental transfer of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances identified in paired maternal and cord sera using suspect and nontarget screening. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54 (6), 3407-3416. (ESI高被引前3%)
(2) Li Y., Lu X., Yu N.*, Li A., Zhuang T., Du L., Tang S., Shi W., Yu H., Song M., Wei S. Exposure to legacy and novel perfluoroalkyl substance disturbs the metabolic homeostasis in pregnant women and fetuses: a metabolome-wide association study. Environ. Int. 2021, 156, 106627.
(3) Li Y.1, Yu N.1, Li M., Li K., Shi W., Yu H., Wei S.* Metabolomic insights into the lasting impacts of early-life exposure to BDE-47 in mice. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 263, 114524.
(4) Li Y., She Q., Wang X., Ma W., Yu H., Yu N.*, Wei S. Classification and identification of polar pollutants on microplastics from freshwater using nontarget screening strategy. Sci. Total Environ. 2022, 822, 153468.
(5) 押淼磊, 李昱茜, 王怡程, 陈宇, 郑少艳, 李永玉, 王新红* 全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱(GC×GC/TOFMS)对比研究不同燃料油中烷烃和芳烃的图谱特征. 环境化学 2016, 35 (5), 8.
(1) 韦斯, 李昱茜, 于红霞, 于南洋. 一种基于污染物代谢扰动的非目标生物标志物高通量筛查方法. 2021/1/26, 中国, ZL 202010338854.6.
(2) Wei S., Li Y., Yu H., Yu N. Method for high-throughput screening of non-target biomarkers based on metabolic perturbation caused by pollutants. 2021/12/28, 美国, US 11226318 B2.