

来源: 日期:2023-02-28 12:48 【字体:

王玲,女,博士,学校特聘四层次教授,硕士生导师,公共卫生学院合作博士生导师。目前已发表科研论文三十余篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文31篇,其中多篇发表在环境科学领域Food Chemistry、Science of the Total Environment等一区期刊。主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、山东省自然科学基金面上项目、自然资源部大洋协会深海项目、国家海洋局海洋能专项项目等11项。

联系方式:电子邮箱: [email protected]/[email protected]

1. 教育及工作经历







2018.11-至今               青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 教授

2011.11-2018.10          青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 副教授

2007.11-2011.11          青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 讲师



2. 研究领域



3. 代表性科研项目

1) 国家自然科学基金面上基金,卤代咔唑类有机污染物在土壤-地下水系统中的非靶标识别、迁移和转化行为研究(No.22176105),2022.01-2025.12,主持人,60万。


3)国家自然科学基金青年基金,新型溴代阻燃剂六溴环十二烷和三(2,3-二溴丙基)异氰酸酯在湿地生态系统的迁移转化研究(No. 21307063),2014.01-2016.12,主持人,25万。





4. 代表性研究成果

1Li, Y.#, Wang, L.#, Zheng, M., Lin, Y., Xu, H., Liu A.*, Hua, Y., Jiang, Y., Ning, K., Hu, S., Thin-layer chromatography coupled with HPLC-DAD/UHPLC-HRMS for target and non-target determination of emerging halogenated organic contaminants in animal-derived foods. Food Chemistry. 2023, 404, 134678. (IF 9.231, 1, Top期刊)

2Hua, Y.#, Wang, L#., Zheng, M., Xu, Y., Liu, J., Fang, L., Pan, X., Liu A.* Occurrence of synthetic musks in the sediment-seawater system of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea during wet and dry seasons. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 833, 155164. (IF 10.753, 1, Top期刊)

3Ming Du, Minggang Zheng, Aifeng Liu, Ling Wang *, Xin Pan, Jun Liu, Xiangbin Ran, Effects of emerging contaminants and heavy metals on variation in bacterial communities in estuarine sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 832 (2022) 155118. (IF 10.753, 1, Top期刊)

4Fang, L.#, Liu, A.#, Zheng, M., Wang, L. *, Hua, Y., Pan, X., Xu, H., Chen, X., Lin, Y., Occurrence and distribution of organophosphate flame retardants in seawater and sediment from coastal areas of the East China and Yellow Seas. Environmental Pollution. 2022, 302, 119017. (IF 9.988, 2)

5Liu, A., Zheng, M., Qiu, Y., Hua, Y., Li, Y., Jiang, Y., Ning, K., Hu, S., Wang, L.*, Study of the scavenger and vector roles of microplastics for polyhalocarbazoles under simulated gastric fluid conditions. Environmental Research. 2022, 113565. (IF 8.431, 2)

6Wang, L., Zheng, M., Xu, H., Hua, Y., Liu A.*, Li, Y., Fang, L., Chen, X., Fate and ecological risks of current-use pesticides in seawater and sediment of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. Environmental Research. 2022, 207, 112673-112673. (IF 8.431, 2)

7Pan, X.#, Liu, A.#, Zheng, M., Liu, J., Du, M., Wang, L.*, Determination and environmental risk assessment of organophosphorus flame retardants in sediments of the South China Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022. (IF 5.190, 3)

8Xu, H., Zheng M., Wang L., Zhao W., Hua Y., Fang L., Liu A.* and Z. Zhao. High throughput extraction strategy for simultaneous analysis of 19 tetrabromobisphenol A and halogenated carbazole analogs in seafood. Food Chemistry, 2021, 350: 129214. (IF 9.231, 1, Top期刊)

9Minggang Zheng, Huya Hu, Xiaowen Liu, Wen Wang, Xiaocai Yin, Li Zheng, Ling Wang*, Yinghua Lou, Levels and distribution of synthetic musks in farmland soils from the Three Northeast Provinces of China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 172, 303-307. (IF 7.129, 2)

10Ying Qiu, Minggang Zheng, Ling Wang*, Quansheng Zhao, Yinghua Lou, Lei Shi, Lingyun QuSorption of polyhalogenated carbazoles (PHCs) to microplastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 146, 718728. (IF 7.001, 3)

11Yu Zhang, Minggang Zheng, Li Zheng, Aifeng Liu, Ling Wang*, Yinghua LouPolyhalogenated carbazoles in sediments from the intertidal zone of the New River Estuary, China: Distribution, inventory, and ecological risksMarine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 149, 110632. (IF 7.001, 3)

12Huihui Zhu, Minggang Zheng, Li Zheng, Ling Wang*, Yinghua Lou, Quansheng Zhao,Yu Zhang, Distribution and ecotoxicological effects of polyhalogenated carbazoles in sediments from Jiaozhou Bay wetland. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 146 (2019), 393–398. (IF 7.001, 3)

13Xiaofeng Dong, Minggang Zheng, Lingyun Qu, Lei Shi, Ling Wang*, Yu Zhang, Sorption of Tonalide, Musk Xylene, Galaxolide, and Musk Ketone by microplastics of polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. Marine Pollution Bulletin 144 (2019) 129–133. (IF 7.001, 3)

14Xiaojun Zhang, Minggang Zheng1, Xiaocai Yin, Ling Wang*, Yinghua Lou, Lingyun Qu, Xiaowen Liu, Huihui Zhu, Ying Qiu, Sorption of 3,6-Dibromocarbazole and 1,3,6,8-Tetrabromocarbazole by Microplastics, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019,138, 458-463 . (IF 7.001, 3)

15Xiaowen Liu, Minggang Zheng, Ling Wang*, Yinghua Lou, Runhui Ke, Xiaojun Zhang, Xiaofeng Dong, Yu Zhang, Sorption behaviors of tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate and hexabromocyclododecanes on polypropylene microplastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018,135, 581-586. (IF 7.001, 3)

16Yu Zhang, Minggang Zheng, Ling Wang*, Yinghua Lou, Runhui Ke, High level of tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate (TBC) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in sediments from the intertidal zone of New River Estuary—a polluted and degraded wetland. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 130, 287-292. (IF 7.001, 3)

17Xiaojun Zhang, Minggang Zheng, Ling Wang*, Sorption of three synthetic musks by microplastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017. 126, 606-609. (IF 7.001, 3)

18Ling Wang*, Mengyuan Zhang, Yinghua Lou, Runhui Ke, Minggang Zheng, Levels and distribution of tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate and hexabromocyclododecanes in surface sediments from the Yellow River Delta wetland of China, Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2017, 114(1), 577-582. (IF 7.001, 3)

19Wang Ling, JIANG Gui-bin, CAI Ya-qi, HE Bin, WANG Ya-wei, SHEN Da-zhong, Cloud point extraction coupled with HPLC-UV for the determination of phthalate esters in environmental water samplesJournal of Environmental Sciences, 2007, 19(7)874-87. (IF 6.76, 2)

20Ling Wang, Ya-Qi Cai, Bin He, Chun-Gang Yuan, Da-Zhong Shen, Jing Shao, Gui-Bin JiangDetermination of estrogens in water by HPLC-UV Using Cloud Point Extraction, Talanta, 2006, 70, 47-51. (IF 6.556, 1,TOP期刊)