

来源: 日期:2024-03-27 17:23 【字体:


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1. 教育及工作经历

2023.12至今:青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 ,讲师




2. 研究领域




3. 代表性科研项目


“深海采矿羽流影响监测模拟关键技术” 国家重点研发计划,在研,项目参与人。

4. 代表性研究成果

1Wang, Y., Zhai, W.-d., Wu, C., Yang, S., and Gong, X.-z. 2024. Exploring contribution of phytoplankton cell death to settleable particulate organic carbon in the East China Sea in spring. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 201, 116197.

2Wang, Y., Zhai, W.-d., Wu, C. 2023. Algal cell viability assessment: The role of environmental factors in phytoplankton population dynamics. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 189, 114743.

3Xu, A., Tian, Y., Chen, G., Gao, D., Yu, D., Liang, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, Q. 2023. A novel strategy for a reinforced anammox process with iron-modified Enteromorpha prolifera biochar. Biochar, 5, 8.

4Xu, A., Yu, D., Qiu, Y., Chen, G., Tian, Y., Wang, Y. 2022. A novel process of salt tolerance partial denitrification and anammox (ST-PDA) for treating saline wastewater. Bioresource Technology, 345, 126472.

5Tang, P., Wang, Y., Li, J., Chen, G. 2022. Multiple-perspective research on the spatial distribution of full-size aerobic granular sludge in wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10(2), 107135.

6Wang, Y., Ju, P., Wang, S., Su, J., Zhai, W., Wu, C. 2021. Identification of living and dead microalgae cells with digital holography and verified in the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 163, 111927.

7Huang, S., Yu, D., Chen, G., Wang, Y., Tang, P., Liu, C., Tian, Y., Zhang, M. 2021. Realization of nitrite accumulation in a sulfide-driven autotrophic denitrification process: Simultaneous nitrate and sulfur removal. Chemosphere, 278, 130413.

8Qiang, L., Zhang, Y., Wu, C., Han, Y., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Liu, G., Wu, Q., Liu, H., Jenkinson, I.R., Sun, J., Han, L. 2020. A facile and sensitive DNA sensing of Harmful Algal Blooms based on graphene oxide nanosheets. Marine Biotechnology, 22(4), 498-510.

9)吴锜, 王妍妍. 2021. 一种定量测量海洋钙化生物外壳微形变的装置及方法. 发明专利,ZL 2019 1 0984297.2