

来源: 日期:2023-02-27 20:53 【字体:

姜志翔,男,博士,学校青年卓越人才,硕士生导师。主持国家级项目2项,发表学术论文30余篇。担任International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health专刊“Wetland Ecology and Management for Environment”客座编辑。

联系方式: [email protected]

1. 教育及工作经历

2019.11-至今:青岛大学澳门六合彩直播  副教授

2013.08-2019-11:青岛大学澳门六合彩直播  讲师

2018.10-2019.10:美国University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 访问学者

2010.09-2013.07:中国海洋大学澳门六合彩直播 ,环境规划与管理专业,工学博士



2. 研究领域

1) 湿地生态修复和碳循环



3. 代表性科研项目



4. 科研团队

详见湿地生态与环境团队主页 //www.wetland-eco-env.com/

5. 代表性研究成果

1)Jia P, Wang X, Liu S, Hua Y, Zhou S, Jiang Z*, 2023. Combined use of biochar and microbial agent can promote lignocellulose degradation and humic acid formation during sewage sludge-reed straw composting, Bioresource Technol. 370, 128525. (一区,Top,IF:11.889)

2)Dang C, Kong F, Li Y, Jiang Z*, Xi M*, 2022. Soil inorganic carbon dynamic change mediated by anthropogenic activities: An integrated study using meta-analysis and random forest model, Sci. Total Environ. 835, 155463. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

3)Zhou S, Zhang C, Xu H, Jiang Z*, 2022. Co-applying biochar and manganese ore can improve the formation and stability of humic acid during co-composting of sewage sludge and corn straw, Bioresource Technol. 358, 127297. (大类一区,Top,IF:11.889)

4)Zhou S, Li Y, Jia P, Wang X, Kong F*, Jiang Z*, 2022. The co-addition of biochar and manganese ore promotes nitrous oxide reduction but favors methane emission in sewage sludge composting, J. Clean. Prod. 339, 130759. (大类一区,Top,IF:11.072)

5)Jiang Z, Zheng H, Xing B*, 2021. Environmental life cycle assessment of wheat production using chemical fertilizer, manure compost, and biochar-amended manure compost strategies. Sci. Total Environ. 760, 143342. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

6)Cui S, Kong F, Li Y, Jiang Z*, Xi M*, 2021. Effect of mineral loaded biochar on the leaching performances of nitrate and phosphate in two contrasting soils from the coastal estuary area. Sci. Total Environ. 779, 146346. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

7)Yin X, Xi M, Li Y, Kong F*, Jiang Z*, 2021. Improvements in physicochemical and nutrient properties of sewage sludge biochar by the co-pyrolysis with organic additives. Sci. Total Environ. 779, 146565. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

8)Jiang Z, Zou Y, Li Y, Kong F, Yang D*, 2021. Environmental life cycle assessment of supercapacitor electrode production using algae derived biochar aerogel. Biochar 3, 701-714. (一区,Top,IF:11.452)

9)Zhou S, Kong F, Lu L, Wang P*, Jiang Z*, 2021. Biochar — An effective additive for improving quality and reducing ecological risk of compost: A global meta-analysis. Sci. Total Environ. 151439. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

10)Liu S, Kong F, Li Y, Jiang Z*, Xi, M*, Wu, J, 2020. Mineral-ions modified biochars enhance the stability of soil aggregate and soil carbon sequestration in a coastal wetland soil, CATENA 193, 104618. (一区,Top,IF:6.367)

11)Jiang Z, Lian F, Wang Z*, Xing B*, 2020. The role of biochars in sustainable crop production and soil resiliency. J. Exp. Bot. 71, 520-542. (一区,Top,IF:7.378)

12)Jiang Z*, Dai Y, Du T, 2020. Comparison of the energetic, environmental, and economic performances of three household-based modern bioenergy utilization systems in China. J. Environ. Manage. 264, 110481. (一区,Top,IF:8.91)

13)Dai Y, Zheng H, Jiang Z*, Xing B*, 2020. Combined effects of biochar properties and soil conditions on plant growth: A meta-analysis. Sci. Total Environ. 713, 136635. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

14)Dai Y, Zheng H*, Jiang Z*, Xing B, 2020. Comparison of different crop residue-based technologies for their energy production and air pollutant emission. Sci. Total Environ. 707, 136122. (一区,Top,IF:10.753)

15)Jiang Z, Dai Y, Luo X, Liu G, Wang H, Zheng H*, Wang Z*, 2017. Assessment of bioenergy development potential and its environmental impact for rural household energy consumption: A case study in Shandong, China. Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 67, 1153-1161. (一区,Top,IF:16.799)

16)姜志翔,崔爽,张鑫,郗敏,孙德茂,2022. 基于Meta-analysis生物炭对土壤硝态氮淋失和磷酸盐固持影响. 环境科学 43(10): 4658-4668. (卓越期刊)

17)张雪,孔范龙,姜志翔*2022. 基于生态功能的滨海湿地土壤质量综合评价方法构建及实证分析. 环境科学 43(5): 2709-2718. (卓越期刊)

18)尹新卫,姜志翔纪书华,李悦,郗敏,孔范龙2019. 利用土壤种子库的湿地植物恢复研究概述. 湿地科学 17(6): 697-704. CSCD)