

来源: 日期:2023-02-28 14:04 【字体:


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1. 教育及工作经历

2021.12月-至今 青岛大学 澳门六合彩直播  副教授

2013.06-2021.12 中北大学  材料科学与工程学院  副教授

2019.07-2020.1   厦门大学   化学化工学院   计算量子化学    访问学者

2014.1.1-2014.4.   美国德克萨斯州立大学  材料科学与工程学院  访问学者


2008.09-2013.06 山东大学      化学与化工学院     物理化学 博士研究生

2011.09-2012.09 德国明斯特大学    纳米研究中心   联合培养博士研究生

2. 研究领域



3)分子动力学 (绿色高分子的性能与机理研究)

3. 代表性科研项目

1. 协效增强 SERS 基底的制备及其对 POPs 分子高灵敏检测与原位去除研究-山东省自然科学基金面上项目ZR2022MB141(负责人,2023.01.01-2025.12.30, 10万)

2. 氧化石墨烯纳米空间层调控贵金属三明治复合结构及其高效SERS性能研究—国家自然科学基金青年项目51701186(负责人; 2018.01-2020.12; 25.0万元)

3. 中美合作气体二氧化氯杀菌装置研发应用及利用表面增强拉曼光谱检测环境气体污染物的应用研究—山西省国际合作项目201603D421030(排名第二; 2014.05-2017.05; 20.0万元;)

4. 层状石墨烯/纳米银复合SERS衬底的结构设计、制备与对气体的检测—山西省重点研发项目2014081006-2 (排名第二; 2016.01-2018.12; 30.0万元;)

5. 含芳醚/酮结构的环交联型聚磷腈及其阻燃环氧树脂性能与机理—国家自然科学基金面上项目, 21975226 (排名第二; 2020.01-2023.12; 60.0万元;主要负责聚磷腈纳米功能化及表征测试与机理理论模拟研究)

4. 代表性研究成果

1. Baichuan Zhao, Huihui Liu, Lingzhi Xia, Zhi Wang, Congyun Zhang*. Gold-Coated Flower-Like TiO2 Microparticles Wrapped with Reduced Graphene Oxide for SERS Monitoring and Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022,5,15341-15352.( IF: 6.14, 材料科学大类2)

2. Xiaotian Fan, Zhanxin Liu, Jianguang Huang, Ding Han, Zihe Qiao, Huihui Liu, Jie Du, Hui Yan, Yuanyuan Ma, Congyun Zhang*(通讯), Zhi Wang*. Synthesis, curing mechanism, thermal stability, and surface properties of fluorinated polybenzoxazines for coating applications. Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. 2022, 5:322–334 ( IF: 11.806, 材料科学大类1)

3. Weihong Hu, Jianguang Huang, Xin Zhang, Sipei Zhao, Li Pei, Congyun Zhang*(通讯), Yaqing Liu, Zhi Wang*. A mechanically robust and reversibly wettable benzoxazine/epoxy/mesoporous TiO2 coating for oil/water separation. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 507, 145168. (高被引论文 IF: 7.392, 材料科学大类1)

4. Sipei Zhao, Li Pei, Jing He, Xin Zhang, Weihong Hu, Hui Yan, Guizhe Zhao, Congyun Zhang*(通讯), Zhi Wang*. Curing mechanism, thermal and ablative properties of hexa-(4-amino-phenoxy) cyclotriphosphazene/benzoxazine blends. Composites Part B, 2021, 216  108838. (IF: 11.322, 材料科学大类1)

5. Li Pei, Sipei Zhao, Hailong Li, Xin Zhang, Xiaotian Fan, Weiwei Wang, Congyun Zhang*,Guizhe Zhao, Zhi Wang*.Preparation of low temperature cure polybenzoxazine coating with enhanced thermal stability and mechanical properties by combustion synthesis approach. Polymer, 2021, 220 123573. ( IF: 4.432, 化学大类2)

6. Cong-yun Zhang, Baichuan Zhao, Rui Hao, Zhi Wang, Bin Zhao, Yaqing Liu*, Graphene oxide-highly anisotropic noble metal hybrid systems for intensified surface enhanced Raman scattering and direct capture and sensitive discrimination in PCBs monitoring. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 385, 121510. (工程技术大类一区IF:14.224)

7. Bin Zhao, Rui Hao, Zhi Wang, Huijuan Zhang, Yaowu Hao, Congyun Zhang*(通讯), Yaqing Liu*. Green synthesis of multi-dimensional plasmonic coupling structures: Graphene oxide gapped gold nanostars for highly intensified surface enhanced Raman scattering. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 349, 581-587. (工程技术大类一区IF:10.652)

8. Congyun Zhang, Bin Zhao, Yizheng Fu, Huijuan Zhang, Sina Moeendarbari, Christopher S. Pickering, Yaowu Hao,*, Yaqing Liu,*. Graphene oxide-wrapped flower-like sliver particles for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and their applications in polychlorinated biphenyls detection. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 400, 49-56. (IF:7.392, 工程技术大类1)

9. Congyun Zhang, Rui Hao, Bin Zhao, Yaowu Hao,*, Yaqing Liu*. A ternary functional Ag@GO@Au sandwiched hybrid as anultrasensitive and stable surface enhanced Raman scattering platform. Applied Surface Science 2017, 409, 306-313. (IF: 7.392, 工程技术大类1)

10. Congyun Zhang, Ya Lu, Bin Zhao, Yaowu Hao*, Yaqing Liu*. Facile fabrication of Ag dendrite-integrated anodic aluminum oxide membrane as effective three-dimensional SERS substrate. Applied Surface Science 2016, 377, 167173. (IF: 7.392, 工程技术大类1)


1. 一种核壳结构的复合粒子SERS活性基底及其制备方法(第一发明人) 授权专利号:ZL201610901972.7

2. 一种三明治结构的复合粒子SERS活性基底及其制备方法(第二发明人) 授权专利号:ZL201610901971.2