

来源:​澳门六合彩直播 日期:2019-03-27 22:04 【字体:

楼迎华,女,硕士,讲师, 硕士生导师



Email:[email protected]

1. 工作经历:

2005.09-至今:青岛大学澳门六合彩直播 环境科学系,讲师

2. 教育背景:



3. 科研领域:



4. 教学工作:


5. 科研项目:

(1) 国家自然科学青年科学基金,新型污染物卤代咔唑在滨海湿地系统的多介质分布及溯源(41807499),2019.1-2021.12,在研,主持人

(2) 国家自然科学基金,基于海洋厌氧氨氧化菌的同步厌氧氨和甲烷氧化体系处理含盐污水的脱氮性能研究(51878362),2019.1-2022.12,在研,参与人

(3) 国家自然科学青年科学基金,新型溴代阻燃剂六溴环十二烷和三(2,3-二溴丙基)异氰酸酯在湿地生态系统的迁移转化研究(21307063),2014.1-2016.12第二参与人

(4) 国家海洋局海洋生态环境科学与工程重点实验室开放基金,人工合成麝香在湿地生态系统中的迁移转化研究(MESE-2013-06),2013.6-2016.12主持人

6. 代表性成果:

(1) Yuxi Jia, Jin Cheng, Hongfei Sun, Min Wang, Ruxue Zhang, Yunfeng Xue, Shuyue He, Kezhong Liu, Lei Shi*, Yinghua Lou*, Sediment-water distribution and potential sources of polyhalogenated carbazoles in a coastal river locating at a north metropolis, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin,2023.114790

(2) Mingkai Liu, Longhua Huang, Xiaoshuang Li, Fei Liu, Wei Zhang, Zhe Wang, Yan Xu, Runhui Ke, Hongping He*, Yinghua Lou*; Occurrence and distribution of polyhalogenated carbazoles in eastern Tibetan Plateau soils along the slope of Mt. Qionglai, Chemosphere, 2022.134200.

(3) Mingkai Liu, Yuxi Jia, Zilong Cui, Zhichao Lu, Weikun Zhang, Kezhong Liu, Li Shuai,Lei Shi, Yinghua Lou*; Occurrence and potential sources of polyhalogenated carbazoles in farmland soils from the Three Northeast Provinces, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2021.149459.

(4)Yan Xu*#; Yi Ge#; Yinghua Lou; Jun Meng; Lei Shi; Fang Xia; Assembly strategies of the wheat root-associated microbiome in soils contaminated with phenanthrene and copper,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,412,125340.

(5)   Yi Ge#; Yinghua Lou#; Minmin Xu; Chao Wu; Jun Meng; Lei Shi; Fang Xia; Yan Xu*; Spatial distribution and influencing factors on the variation of bacterial communities in an urban river sediment. Environmental Pollution 2021,272,115984.

(6) Huihui Zhu#; Minggang Zheng#; Li Zheng; Ling Wang*; Yinghua Lou; Quansheng Zhao*; Yu Zhang; Distribution and ecotoxicological effects of polyhalogenated carbazoles in sediments from Jiaozhou Bay wetland, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019,146: 393-398.

(7)Ling Wang*; Mengyuan Zhang; Yinghua Lou; Runhui Ke; Minggang Zheng; Levels and distribution of tris-(2;3-dibromopropyl) isocyanurate and hexabromocyclododecanes in surface sediments from the Yellow River Delta wetland of China,Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 114(1): 577-582.

(8)Yinghua Lou; Jie Wang; Ling Wang*; Lei Shi; Yue Yu; Mengyuan Zhang;Determination of synthetic musks in sediments of Yellow River Delta wetland, China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016, 97(1): 78~83.